DC Missed Connection (Chinatown)

September of 2012 began an embroidered installation series inspired by Missed Connections of strangers online (click to see more). Lately, however, motivation to sew Craig's List posts has been lacking. Therefore, a tweak of the project is in order. While I will stay true to the original setting for site specific works (I will continue to post in downtown Athens, Georgia) it is time to spread the love.

Art, education, and loved ones are essential to my well being. But travel, too, is important to my personal satisfaction. Going places offers a new perspective while away and that outlook sticks upon the return home. As a token of my appreciation for these experiences I have created an embroidered piece to leave in each place I visit. NYC provided the first location in August of 2013. Washington DC has provided the second. Two Ships Passing In the Night was posted online March 5th, 2014 around 1 am. The sewn interpretation of this man's message was installed in DC's Chinatown on March 10th, 2014 at 7 am. All sewing was done while en route or in Washington DC within a twenty four hour period.