That was the 27th

When I turned twenty seven I promised to record the process of creating on a daily basis. A few things became very clear while paying closer attention to this process. 

First, creating on a daily basis is an unrealistic goal. However, creativity does find its way into my everyday. For this I am thankful. I rely on its consistent presence, especially in the more difficult moments.

Second, 27th has helped me to define who I am. I question myself as an artist and a teacher in one. I now realize that this will take a lifetime to figure out what that looks like, perhaps it should never be fully determined. Do we need to become comfortable with this inconsistency of self in order to discover what lies at our core?

Third, I work with a variety of materials. Now, I hope to work mainly with textiles in order to enhance my knowledge of both. Another essential part of my artwork are people. My work only works, in my eyes, if there is a loving relationship at its roots that serves as inspiration.

Forth, and final, I will narrow my focus on the maker (any and all). I am most content when I watch people in the midst of creating something. This last realization prioritizes the need to honor those that have created, create and will create.